Working with children & teenagers

Our children and teenagers today are under considerably more pressure than previous generations.  The advancement of the western world has brought with it fantastic developments including very sophisticated technology.

Society’s expectations of our youngsters are extremely high; and they know it.  Signs of stress can show at an early age and take the form of unwanted behaviours and habits: angry outbursts, withdrawal, defiance, bed wetting, nail biting, hair pulling, skin picking, and self-harm are just a few examples.

Pressure to conform, to look perfect, to have the latest gadget, the best clothes, to achieve in exams and/or SATS can result in similar unwanted behaviours.  Teenagers may also succumb to smoking, drinking or drug/substance misuse.   They may also be vulnerable to bullying or even exploitation.

Children may also develop fears due to any frightening experiences they may have had.  Examples could be a fear of dogs, fear of water or fear of the dark.  Left untreated these may develop into phobias in adulthood.

Children have an amazing imagination and as such are very susceptible to hypnosis.  Please note whilst parental consent is required to work with your child, no work will be undertaken without the full consent and co-operation of your child.

Jacqueline is lovely. She helped me to stop being scared and helped me to sleep. I loved listening to her stories.  Chloe (age 11)


Chloe was very anxious about lots of things before she came to you. Working with you helped her see how to deal with her fears and worries. She is much calmer and more confident and less anxious. She really enjoys coming to see you and feels like it’s a safe space to talk. Chloe’s Mum